Chickens are friendly and straightforward to keep. It’s a lot of fun to give hens food and treats, mainly when you do it with your fingers. Chickens love snacks that are both tasty and nutritious.
Should you give peas to your chickens? Is it possible for hens to eat frozen peas? Peas are healthy snacks that people offer their hens along with most vegetables like sweet potatoes or cooked beans.
Chickens can eat peas, and they should because it’s abundant with proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fresh peas are a good treat for hens, but just as a delicacy, not as a daily diet. Read on to discover more about feeding peas to your chicken and how you can do so.
Can I Feed Chicken Dried Or Uncooked Peas?
- Dry Peas: Dried peas mostly have a lower moisture content and a more nutritional content. Chickens eat dried peas or even cooked peas. Just keep in mind that your hens should have safe drinking water when they are done eating dry peas.
Soak the dry peas in water for 24 hours before feeding to be safer. The green goodness of peas will help with seamless digestion.
- Uncooked peas: Most legume plants are acceptable for chickens to consume, and raw peas are no exception. Peas aren’t hazardous to hens in any studies.
And, like so many other leguminous crops, you should not give your hens uncooked peas as their only source of nutrition. To suit the hens’ nutritional needs, combine raw peas with other foods having high nutritional value.

Are Peas Nutritious for Chickens?
Peas are a perfectly good source of protein and prove to be healthy for chickens. The vegetable has an excellent protein-to-carbohydrate ratio and is high in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, A, K, and B complex. A hundred grams of pea contains:
- 1.6 grams of fat
- 10 grams of carbohydrates
- 5.5 grams of protein
- 5.6 grams of fiber
- Several other minerals and vitamins
This food contains high protein content and enough concentrations of two essential amino compounds, lysine, and methionine, giving them an ideal bird and chicken feed. In chicken feeding, feeders may use peas to substitute soy.
Pea protein has a digestibility range of 63 to 75 percent, depending on the species and growth circumstances. Peas will undoubtedly benefit both hens and humans with their high nutritional value. As a result, these items may play an essential role in the diets of both people and chickens.
On the other hand, pellets should account for a significant amount of the birds’ balanced diet. Giving appropriate quantities of peas is just a good idea since this meal contains calcium, an essential nutrient in their diets.

Can Chickens Have Sugar Snap Peas?
Chickens will eat pea pods or just about everything in the yard. However, since they can eat something doesn’t mean they must, and there are certain foods they should avoid.
The sweet pea vine, for example, is harmful to hens in all aspects, including the bloom, branches, leaves, and peas. Chickens, thankfully, can consume sugar snap peas. This implies that if you plant snap peas in your yard, your hens will undoubtedly devour them at some point!
When eaten in reasonable amounts, snap peas are high in plant based protein and all the nutrients that are essential and may help your chicken’s general health. This renders them a supple addition to your hens’ rotation of a healthful and welcome treat.
Can Chickens Have Sweet Peas?
With their hanging tendrils and paster blooms, sweet peas are fragrant and delicate spring garden favorites. Chickens, on the other hand, are at risk from these plants. As a result, eating sweet peas may cause hens to develop serious health issues or even die.
Dogs, horses, and poultry are poisoned by all parts of the sweet pea plant. The seeds and blossoms of these plants are the most dangerous. Since sweet peas influence the central nervous system, they may induce paralysis, convulsions, or death.
Toxic plants are frequently avoided by chickens owing to their unpleasant taste. Nonetheless, you should not plant sweet peas in areas where hens may get them. They shouldn’t be permitted to wander the whole yard at will.
You may cultivate sweet peas in a secure location where chickens will not be able to get them.
Peas are suitable to provide to your hens as a treat rather than as their primary source of nutrition. Peas are richer in protein than veggies since they are legumes, but this is still insufficient for laying hens, which need 16 percent protein in their diet.
Peas include just 5.5 grams of protein per 100 grams. The information presented above will help you feed peas to your chicken the right way.